Where we operate

Our focus is development personalized business and support for our customers with services about informations

and analisys of differents markets and products with ideias prices and expectatives .


we working for conecting companies of differents sectors and using expectatives and sinergies of

logistics and demands for construction partnerships.








Our main markets:


Foods - Oleochemicals - Vegoils - Biofuels - Animal Feed - Export and Import 

Personalized Business

Our company stay integrated with differents players with longterms partnership for offer all support and working together with any customers for understanding and looking at mkt for best options of business .


With more than 40 years of mkt our team stay in this model and filosofy for construction business always with focus consolidation of lines of bizs. 

Markets Analisys and perspectives

Our experiencie and know-how for development business and support customers that need increasing marketshare and starting operations

 in Brazil and SouthAmerica is a very good alternative for open opportunies for companies that looking for supply products with sucess and without risks.








Optimize time.



Using our team for support and your business and sourcings.

We expertise and history of sucess for creating and development bizs.